Montag, 23. April 2012

Green tea and bricks

Yeeeaaaa~h .... it has been a while since i've posted something here ^^"
I'm a bit lazy recently, i'm sorry *bows*

I should start doing a "weekly sketches" entry or something similar xD

No sooner said than done i've got a bunch of sketches for you today \OuO/
I'm sorry for the lame quality but our scanner can only be used on my dad's computer and i don't want to disturb him now ^^"

Something i absolutely adore is doing my sketches with coloured pencils <3

I also love doing some matching typography sometimes (well i'm not very good at it xD)

This last one here is a closeup from a little picture i'm currently working on.

This is everything for today :)
Hope i manage to do more in the future >.<

Have a wonderful day <33

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