Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012

White Bird

Recently i'm obsessed with working an old personal project over :D
"White Bird"is the interim name for it. I don't know if i'll change it some day :P
I've yet made some new and fresh character concepts for it and of course i won't hold them back :>

Here are the first two ones:

The first one is the main character and she's actually the devil :P
The second one is also one of the three main characters and some kind of magician. This tattoo-like thing on her belly is a pentacle wich she uses for her "magic".
I guess it'll take a while till i finish the last one of the three because he's a guy and i'm really bad at drawing guys ^_^"

Wish you all a wonderful day <33

Montag, 7. Mai 2012

The unfinished

It happens so often that i start a picture and never finish it. I often start them on a gut level and then loose the interest but i love them all because they're all a part of what my art is :)
Well of course i hope that someday there will come THE day i'll finish them but until now that looks futile xD
Perhaps there is someone out there who loves one of the following pictures so much that he/she will tease me forever until i'll give in and paint it to the end xD

so enjoy the unfinished <3

this here is an really old tempera painting and the only traditional piece i'm going to show here :3
The following once are all digital paintings.

The last one here is a mixed media including traditional drawing, photography and digital painting and manipulation.

I should start calling myself the Master of the unfinished xD

Feel free to tease me :3
Have a wonderful day <33

Montag, 23. April 2012

Green tea and bricks

Yeeeaaaa~h .... it has been a while since i've posted something here ^^"
I'm a bit lazy recently, i'm sorry *bows*

I should start doing a "weekly sketches" entry or something similar xD

No sooner said than done i've got a bunch of sketches for you today \OuO/
I'm sorry for the lame quality but our scanner can only be used on my dad's computer and i don't want to disturb him now ^^"

Something i absolutely adore is doing my sketches with coloured pencils <3

I also love doing some matching typography sometimes (well i'm not very good at it xD)

This last one here is a closeup from a little picture i'm currently working on.

This is everything for today :)
Hope i manage to do more in the future >.<

Have a wonderful day <33

Freitag, 24. Februar 2012

2012 and other doomed things oAo

Hey!It's some time ago since the last time I posted here ^^"
A new year has started and a lot of things have happend!
My blog got a new appearance and I've finally got a job now! I can't wait to start :)

Of course I painted a lot since the last post!
So here are some things I created the past weeks :D

This is the first pic I finished with my new Tablet :)
It's just an experiment and not really good at all but I like it xD

This was my entry for the >>Retro Future Contest<< on deviantArt.


A crazy speed-paint I did last night. In my opinion it's the pest image I created with the computer until now xD
Just visit deviantArt if you want more Information about these pictures :)

Have a nice day ! <3